7000 SQM
2,500,000 BHD
The Danube building is treated as an architectural feature, necessary in emphasizing the relevance of innovation in the new business-driven generation. With pioneering and environmental aims, the details incorporated into the architecture of the building are to provide focus in every aspect; just as the business intends to do within the homes of the society.
The overall strategy of the building is carried out in two dimensions: macro and micro. The heavy-weighted warehouse represents the macro of the business, the heart and foundation of what the business is built on, a feature that is not to be neglected. Whereas, the lightweight showroom, built with glass and hexagonal perforated sun screens is used to symbolize the micro of the business: the face presented to the public.
The location of the building was one of the main deciding factors for the use of glass. To create differentiation between the warehouse and the showroom, as well as embrace maximum transparency within the South-West location of the building, punctured sun screens are used. Partial protection is provided to avoid too much heat gain within the spaces in the building, as well as give visual access into and out of the building, figuratively looking into the new generation for stimulation.
The Danube building intends to trademark a true expression of the business identity, and the hexagonal pattern is used as a vital architectural feature in creating this. Inspiration to include hexagonal shapes is gathered by the honeycomb. Honeycomb is not only used to store honey and nectar, it is also the foundation sheets that allow bees to build the structure of their home with comfort and ease. Danube aims to be an essential aspect to all homes of the public. The radiating pattern varies in size to emphasize the growth of business, whilst remaining intact with the finer details that make up the business.
The hexagonal pattern is used as a vital architectural feature in the façade . Honeycomb is not only used to store honey and nectar, it is also the foundation sheets that allow bees to build the structure of their home with comfort and ease. Danube aims to be an essential aspect to all homes of the public
Punctured sun screens are used. Partial protection is provided to avoid too much heat gain within the spaces in the building, as well as give visual access into and out of the building
Providing screen shaded skylights throughout the showroom resulting for the sunlight to permeate through the showroom while the screen will reduce the intensity of the direct sun and will project interesting patterns of light and shade on the floor .